BIRDER Youtube


2025年3月7日 - EN

A spat over sand eels threatens puffins and other iconic seabirds Birds' nests in Amsterdam are made up of plastic from 30 years ago How AI is revealing the language of the birds These birds form mesmerizing clouds in the sky. Scientists may finally know why. Superb lyrebirds have an unexpected new skill First evidence of a non-primate flavouring food: Cockatoos prefer noodles dunked in blueberry yoghurt Fifty years of songbird maps take flight in new hands Why some animals defy the odds to thrive in urban areas Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields - new research DNA detectives in Antarctica: probing 6,000 years of penguin poo for clues to the past The (baby) eagles have landed! Big Bear bald eagles Jackie and Shadow welcome two hatchlings Lyrebird's secret farming skills uncovered in Australian forests Eocene mudflat fossils reveal ancient waterbird foraging behaviors and four new species


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