BIRDER Youtube


2021年10月5日 - EN

Superb fairywren showing strongly in 2021 Australian bird of the year poll How lovers of the hooded plover are helping the species recover This Iconic Bird of the Everglades Is Moving to the 'Burbs First came global warming. Then hurricanes. Then more migratory bird deaths? - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Oil spill seeps into O.C.'s coastal wetlands, a critical link along migratory bird route Ask Maine Audubon: What's up with these strange bird songs in the fall? So many birds are flying south that it's showing up on weather radars There's a new word for birds stealing animal hair: kleptotrichy The quest to find Australia's favourite bird Forest bird species dwindling in Maui Nui after several go extinct Raptor Watch is on again as birds migrate south This is what the fight looks like to save the wildlife impacted by the California oil spill From dragonflies to kingfishers: the science behind nature's brilliant blues Friday essay: on birds - feathered messengers from deep time New research links tree health to how birds respond to climate change Birds' eye size offers clues to coevolutionary arms race between brood parasites, hosts Study of great tits, oak trees and caterpillars reveals complexity of climate change Bird poop reveals that when birds migrate, their gut bacteria change Late Pleistocene humans may have hatched and raised cassowary chicks | Penn State University

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