BIRDER Youtube


2020年6月16日 - EN

Spectacular bird's-eye view? Hummingbirds see diverse colors humans can only imagine Bird feeding helps females more than males Single enzyme responsible for gender-based plumage color differences in canaries Can Mitogenomes of the Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) Reconstruct Its Phylogeography and Reveal the Origin of Migrant Birds? Aerial surveys of waterbirds in Australia The endocast of the Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) reveals insights into its sensory ecology and the evolution of nocturnality in birds These Birds Protect Black Rhinos From Poachers (but Also Drink Their Blood) Feds: Expect More Bird Deaths and Endangered Species Under New Rule Pandemic hampers raising rare whooping cranes for the wild Like humans, these big-brained birds may owe their smarts to long childhoods Birds aren't all singing the same song. They have dialects, too The World's Oldest Bird Has Been Around Longer Than The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Does Wisconsin Have Parrots? Bird lovers are asked to avoid helping 'abandoned' fledglings Migration Numbers Plunge for the Red Knot, a Threatened Shore Bird An Early-season Tropical Storm Wiped out Mississippi's Beach-nesting Birds OspreyCam offers glimpse Into the lives of iconic birds of prey - The Boston Globe 'History has been made by these birds' Brood of peregrine falcons is 'once in a lifetime'