BIRDER Youtube


2020年2月25日 - EN

North Island robins found to have long term memory These plants and animals are now flourishing as life creeps back after bushfires Global relationships that determine bird diversity on islands uncovered Predicting 50,000 years of bird migrations Tackling a top killer of New Jersey's bald eagles: electrocution These Beloved Warblers Migrate North Almost a Week Earlier Than 50 Years Ago By Watching Videos, Birds Can Learn to Avoid Gross Foods Wild Birds Remember a Novel Task for Nearly Two Years Mainland, Big Isle eyed for endangered bird move Another eagle dies from lead bullet poisoning despite Knox County deputy attempts to save it The dancing cranes of West Sweden - a bucket list wildlife spectacle Where have the wild birds gone? 3 billion fewer than 1970 Lisbon airport mega-project threatens one of Europe's most important wetlands In Virginia, a Race to Ready New Nesting Sites for 20,000 Returning Seabirds GB Administration Bans Hunting Migrated Birds From China - UrduPoint


海鳥にプラごみ汚染蓄積 農工大確認 コハクチョウが北へ帰還、本格化 越冬地の鳥取・米子で | 共同通信 シベリアで発見の凍った鳥、4万6千年前のハマヒバリと判明 陽光に誘われ クイナつがい 仲むつまじく 国頭村安波 求愛行動も 長野)ライチョウ生態、写真で学んで 寄贈続ける写真家:朝日新聞デジタル 【動画】世界でわずか4500羽。沖縄の冬の干潟で会えるクロツラヘラサギ <沖縄・海の生き物たちVol.24> 動画:スペインが支える、アラブ伝統のタカ狩り 2種に分岐したカラス、数十万年越しに交配し、再び種が合流していた。まるで進化の逆再生... ミサゴ 餌の魚めがけ急降下 三方五湖野鳥辞典 | 社会,社会 | 福井のニュース | 福井新聞D刊


2020年2月17日 - EN

Antarctica's Most Numerous Penguin Has Suffered Huge Declines, Expedition Finds How to Take Part in the Great Backyard Bird Count Gravity Gives These Birds the Drop on Tough-to-Crack Foods How we're connecting the dots at the Convention on Migratory Species New study: are teen seabirds safe? Our top 10 tips on how to be a good birdwatcher How to reduce the number of birds killed by buildings Researchers study how birds retweet news How bird flocks with multiple species behave like K-pop groups Research to study effects of wild bird feeding in San Antonio Golden eagle saved from life threatening lead poisoning and released back into the wild Bird rescue group in Freedom reports death of five eagles since start of 2020, all with elevated levels of lead in blood Northfield Bird Club experiences Costa Rican biodiversity through photos, stories WILD GEORGIA: As spring nesting approaches, songbird plumage becomes more vivid India's birds suffering dramatic population declines, warns scientific report 'It's tough times': Seabirds rescued after wild weather pushes them far inland


鳥取)コハクチョウの北帰行を確認 米子水鳥公園:朝日新聞デジタル 青空に舞う緋色の尾羽 冬鳥ヒレンジャク飛来 神戸(神戸新聞NEXT) - Yahoo!ニュース 雪の妖精 シマエナガ市街地にひょっこり(十勝毎日新聞 電子版) - Yahoo!ニュース 全米で相次ぐハクトウワシの鉛中毒、年間数百万羽の鳥類に影響